The Reasons Why You Have To Buy A Maneki Neko To Decorate Your Desk

Lucky desktop cats are currently a very popular and popular trend. Lucky desktop cats can be anywhere you want to be like at fashion boutiques, clothes, food shops from big to small or sidewalks, from Caffe shops or shopping centers, from Company desks come to every family’s study table and from the living room to the bedroom. Being named Lucky Cat so buyers are often surprised and can weigh many things. But with your own concept and beliefs about what you are buying and need to pay attention to the details in the right direction, you can be assured.

With Maneki Neko World go right into the following article talking about the problem of placing lucky cats to discuss how to properly with feng shui, avoid and help wealthy and prosperous money owners from all directions.

Maneki Neko Legends

Small business households and how to put lucky cats to table in the store

Small businesses such as fashion shops, jewelry shops, cosmetics shops, shops selling souvenirs, watches, household items, etc., when buying lucky cats, should order Lucky cat to the table in any position is most reasonable. Here, these shops often have small and medium-sized businesses, so put the genius cat facing the entrance, as if attracting, welcoming new customers to come to the door,  your goods.

When you put the lucky cat to the table in this position, it is likely that when the customer enters the first thing they see will be your cat’s smile and cuteness, it will surely get sympathy and make them have a The mood is a lot more open. All current notes need to know that there should be no obstacles in front of the lucky cat to your table and you should not be able to buy and sell when the cat is easily broken.

Cat genius desktop and how to put in big business store

The above is the business shop by a small-scale household so big? Such as shopping malls, electronics stores, phones, grocery stores, motorbike, and car gra centers, big brand coffee chains, etc. How to order?

even though small businesses need to pay attention and attention, but with larger business scale, they need to pay more attention to the feng shui issue of the company, not based on superstition. and based on the belief in good things, better things.

Here, the lucky cat to discuss should immediately place the front desk, the reception area of ​​his company. With a place like this, choosing the cat genius to set aside a particular corner and especially won’t matter, right? And more in keeping with aesthetics, the chosen desktop cat must be a large model to fit the space and business scale of its business. Open-air is still the top priority and is required when placing lucky cats to discuss anywhere.

How To Put Lucky Cat To Desk In The Company

In offices and companies, the lucky cat to sit on should be on the right-hand side and face the front door or the large door. Where to put the cat, you should put the place open, clean and avoid collisions to cats easily fall.

In the Family, What Is The Lucky Cat To Desk?

There are many places that can be placed indoors, depending on the purpose and preferences of the homeowner, specifically the buyers. It is fine for the genius cat to be placed on the altar of the land, is it not? Therefore, more specifically if placed in the house, it is also necessary to find an open, high position that is put on. It is best to face the cat face to the door to bring fortune, success, luck, happiness in the best way.

At home if children need to pay more attention on where to put the lucky cat to discuss? Because children are very active, it is necessary to choose the right place to put the lucky cat to avoid falling.


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